A Robust Multi-accent Benchmark for Evaluating Hindi ASR Systems


Hindi, one of the most spoken language of India, exhibits a diverse array of accents due to its usage among individuals from diverse linguistic origins. To enable a robust evaluation of Hindi ASR systems on multiple accents, we create a benchmark, LAHAJA, which contains read and extempore speech on a diverse set of topics and use cases, with a total of 12.5 hours of Hindi audio, sourced from 132 speakers spanning 83 districts of India. We evaluate existing open-source and commercial models on LAHAJA and find their performance to be poor. We then train models using different datasets and find that our model trained on multilingual data with good speaker diversity outperforms existing models by a significant margin. We also present a fine grained analysis which shows that the performance declines for speakers from North-East and South India, especially with content heavy in named entities and specialized terminology.

Resource namelink
Model - M1Coming soon
Model - M2Coming soon
Model - M3Coming soon
Model - M4Coming soon

The lahaja contains two thing:

The csv contains the following data with respect to the audio:

Model Training and Inference

  1. Install NeMo

  2. Training command

    python ${RUNNER_PATH}/speech_to_text_hybrid_rnnt_ctc_bpe.py \
     --config-path=${CONFIG_PATH} \
     --config-name=${CONFIG_NAME} \
     trainer.devices=-1 \
     trainer.accelerator="gpu" \
     trainer.strategy="ddp_find_unused_parameters_true" \
     exp_manager.name=<exp_name> \
     exp_manager.wandb_logger_kwargs.name=<exp_name> \
  3. Inference

    OMP_NUM_THREADS=64 python ${RUNNER_PATH}/transcribe_speech.py \
         model_path=$MODEL_PATH \
         dataset_manifest=$MANIFEST_PATH.json \
         output_filename=$SAVE_FILE_NAME \
         langid=$LANGID \
         batch_size=64 \
         compute_timestamps=False \
         compute_langs=False \
         cuda=$GPU_ID \
         amp=True \


If you benefit from this dataset, kindly cite as follows:

    to be updated
} -->